Thursday, January 9, 2020

3 Easy Features to Help Sell Your Miami Beach Condo: Open Shelving, Valet Parking and Pet-Friendly Policies

Looking to Sell Your Miami Beach Condo?

Selling a condo in Miami Beach is all about presentation and amenities. Open shelving in various spaces, working with your board about being open to having pets in your building and discussing the option of valet parking will help your condo sell faster. Let’s explore each topic.

Open shelving

Open shelving is an affordable option that makes a big impact in any room by creating a visual expansion and providing touches of charm. The concept of open shelving first became popular for smaller kitchens and expanded to living rooms and bedrooms. Displaying dishes, collections and books adds style and practicality. With open shelving, you can show off more of your tiles, paint or other wall coverings. Save money or allocate your extra dollars to another area of your remodel. Shelves can be customized to fit into areas a cabinet can’t, such as odd corners or small spaces around doors. You can also mix cabinets and open shelving.

In living rooms, bookend a doorway or window with opening shelving. Fill a narrow open shelf behind a sofa with artwork or books to create visual interest. To create an appealing room divider, install open shelving from floor to ceiling. Open shelving can take advantage of unused crannies in bathrooms and kitchens. Think above bathtubs or around the stove. Create a reading nook in a bedroom by placing open shelving in a corner, alongside a small lamp and chair.

Pet policies

Allowing pets – within reason – into a building will increase salability. Studies have shown that families stay longer in pet-friendly housing, and 90 percent of renters keep their pet deposit. Homes with pets – dogs, cats and rabbits – are not only happier, their owners are actually healthier and their risk of significant health issues is decreased by up to 36 percent. The key to implementing an inclusive pet policy is to make sure owners and the community association agree.

Sell Your Miami Beach Condo - couple smiling holding a dog on Miami Beach

When introducing a pet policy, discuss enforcement of rules, such as having dogs leashed in common areas, with reasonable fines. Set standards for weight and size limits, keeping in mind that a well-trained mastiff might be a better tenant than a three-pound chihuahua who barks non-stop. This, however, can depend on the preference of your association’s insurers. Discuss the fees of more comprehensive coverage and see if they can be added to pet deposits. Update governing documents regarding dog bites and other incidents with the association’s lawyer to ensure that the owner, not the association, will be held liable. Another consideration is to make sure there is a place or path to safely walk dogs on the property or nearby. Providing resources to your condo board’s lawyer will make it easier to modify a pet policy.

Valet Parking

Parking on the idyllic Miami Beach island can be an issue if the condo does not have a well-thought-out parking situation for residents and guests. Miami condo residents and owners do not always live in the Magic City year-round. Whether they come for a few days or are full-time residents, their car should be readily accessible.

Sell Your Miami Beach Condo - guy riding bike on Miami Beach boardwalk

If your building does not have valet parking, consider how it can be included in HOA fees, and if there will be a special valet lot or designated parking spaces. In the case that valet parking is an impossibility, bring up adding more bike-friendly amenities. Miami has a strong bike culture. Between the organized rides of Critical Mass to leisurely Sunday scenic journeys, Miami Beach ranks at number eight in the most bike-friendly cities in America. Make valet parking or bike-friendly amenities a major selling point for your building.

When it comes time to sell your home or condo in Miami Beach, you want to have an extensive local and international network of high-quality members. Urban Resource features experts that deliver the best outcomes quickly and easily. Condos that appear spacious, are open to pets and have valet parking sell faster. Talk to your local Miami Beach experts at Urban Resource, located in the North Beach neighborhood of Miami Beach, to explore selling your Miami Beach condo or house.

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